Sunday, November 30, 2014


I appreciate Gloria for numerous reasons. Mainly because she never fails to crack me up. But also because she is so sweet, genuine and understanding. I look forward to English everyday but especially because I get to be surrounded by such great people that make my learning experience even better. Gloria is an instant pick-me-up type of person and she doesn't even have to try, that is just how she is. I'm lucky enough to run into Gloria in the halls and in debate as well. We have so many laughs and I adore her. I only hope Gloria feels the same appreciation for me. Furthermore, Gloria is so smart and doesn't even know it. But more importantly, she continues to amaze me everyday in her ability to say the stupidest and the smartest thing in the same sentence. Gloria is a balance of so many great things and I am so thankful to have such a great person along for the ride in Mr. McCarthy's english class.