Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bigger and My Views on Him Throughout the Story

I initially liked Bigger. I saw him as a misunderstood, lazy teen. As a teenager, I couldn't have expected Bigger to think it was normal and his responsibility to start supporting the household at an early age. But obviously, in this time period, this was normal and expected of black families because they couldn't obtain amazing careers at the time because of segregation and in a family of four like Bigger's, a single mother could only do so much. As I found out that Bigger was around twenty, I felt disappointment in Bigger and hurt for his family. The fact that he didn't want to work only hurt him and his family. He also showed no love for his family. They may have had differences, but I don't believe anyone should treat their family with disrespect and make the conscious decision to not do anything to help. It became worse and worse for Bigger in my mind as he tries to pressure his friends into robbing Blum's with him and beats down Gus out of his own cowardliness. He continues on his path of sickness when he masturbates in the movie theater. I was just so shocked by that. Even more shocking, his first night on the job with the Dalton's, he manages to disobey orders, drink and drive, sexual assault Mary and kill her. He then goes on to frame Jan and everyone is supposed to believe society forced him to do this??? He could've left Mary to sleep in the living room and let her taken responsibility for her own drunkenness but been respectful enough to put her in the safety of her home. He 'had' to go up to her room and get all excited. She was practically passed out and merely mumbling words when he was feeling her up and pressing himself on her. Even if she was able to kiss him back it was mere confusion for Jan in my mind because she seems really in love and I don't see her encouraging relations with a black man she just met and works for her family at this time. It just seems unrealistic that she would want this. When he brutally continues his killing by chopping her head off and burning her, he becomes sick in my mind. His next crime, rape and murder, was intentional because 'Bessie knowing too much' was a justification to him. His guilt doesn't really say anything significant to me because that is a pretty big decision. It seemed the only real regret he had was not grabbing the wad of cash he gave Bessie. I begin to think he may actually be mental when he is speaking with Max at the end about how his killing instinct may be a good thing.