Monday, January 19, 2015

One Principle I Would Always Keep

I would stick with my moral compass all throughout my life until it came to the point where I needed to protect myself or my family from death, disease, or any other risks. I would never kill someone for revenge or out of spite. Only if they were going to harm my family or myself or this was the only way we could obtain food or the means to survive. My first priority is my family, then myself. I do not think I would ever give up on my family's or my own life. I would want us to live to our last possible day together. If someone was experiencing a slow death like a wound or killer disease, I would encourage them to consider being put out of their misery. But if death isn't guaranteed for the person, I think that would be taking life for granted and now going on to see what the end has in store for you. I am a very optimistic person and even in a post-apocolyptic state, I would like to remain instilling happiness and laughter in others even through the hardest times.


  1. I am a bit confused on the first idea. Let me see if I understand- if someone close to you were in pain, err dying you would encourage them to participate in an assisted suicide rather than stay the course?

    1. No. It is like if one of your family members is on the road with you and they are guaranteed death by their illness. Like even if a hospital were to pop up with top of the line medical services, there would still be no hope. If they would rather go when they are happy with their family instead of waiting a few more weeks to end up dying alone knowing they lost their family either to cannibalism or radiation or what not. I would never kill one of my family members, but I wouldn't be selfish and discourage them from doing what is right for them in their minds. If I thought things could go either way with life or death, I would most definitely discourage a suicide and be as supportive as I could in keeping them around, mentally, emotionally and physically.

  2. You stated that, "Only if they were going to harm my family or myself or this was the only way we COULD OBTAIN FOOD or the means to survive." Does the part about obtaining food and means to survive also suggest that you would be a cannibal if situations came down to it? Also I know that you said you'd encourage someone to be put out of their misery but could you really live with yourself knowing that you aided someone in dying, not because you inflicted that wound upon them or gave them a disease, but because you persuaded them to not endure the suffering. On my part I just do not think that I would be able to tell someone that, I'd want to spend the longest amount of time with them that I possibly can.

  3. So what I'm getting is, your principle is to protect your family at all costs. I agree with this being a value you would want to keep. I'm not sure about how far I would go to protect them, or if I would consider 'putting them out of their misery'. But I totally get what you're saying. When your family is all you have and you must keep moving, I can see why these things might be an option.

    1. I do not mean I would ever kill one of my family members but I do know I'd do anything for them and would always want their needs and wants to be put before mine.

  4. I love and completely agree with all of the points that you made. I believe that a human's life is one of the most valuable things in the universe; it's so precious because it gives us the chance to be useful, compassionate, honorable, loving, etc. But umm yeah, this is on point
